
The Toilet Roll Blog

I wanted to connect with you all today as you have ALL been on my mind

All the business owners, the colleagues, the NHS angels, the public services heroes, the coffeeshop and restaurant owners and small local business beauties. The Mum’s, the Dad’s, the Grandparents and guardians, those with and those without, the planet and the street in which I live. You have ALL been on my mind.

I wondered what to put in this blog, what might be helpful…so many things are being spoken about already. Suggestions to help keep us in a flow that is useful, nurturing and productive. A flow that is purposeful and spiritual. That is true and fake. What on earth could I offer?? And yet I wanted to offer something!!

SO in an attempt to try being helpful and yet not complete in offering a solution…below are FIVE things to help keep us holding the right mindset during this unique situation.

  1. Lets talk about focusing on your circle of influence. (SCovey©)Imagine we are all surrounded by a circle containing things that concern us i.e. our health, our climate…now imagine a circle of things that you can influence…lets look at how to grow that circle of influence through our thoughts, our mindset…and how it can grow bigger than the circle of concern.
    • What can you control right now? Heighten your self-awareness, notice how you are feeling and ask “what is it that I need which will serve to help me gain control right now”?
    • What is in your gift to guide by having that control? Thoughts and words? Notice if you are guiding yourself into a pity trap. Negative language can be much heavier in feeling than positive.
    • What is within your choice? We still have independent will…its important to focus on the word independent here. Will you be a sheep or not a sheep! We still have a conscience. Let us use that to think wisely and collectively. With independent will, we can still choose our response. What would you prefer that to be?
    • Show gratitude and appreciation in the choice of my response
  2. Listen so you understandWhen our ability to listen is without focus, we instinctively lean towards listening so we can respond. Imagine a space where you are not only listening to the voice in your head preparing to respond, but also a space where you are listening to hear more than what the person is saying. A curious space.
    • Some people may just need you to listen right now. Now is a time for deep listening so you can reflect back what the people around us need to help them feel hopeful. What are they saying that needs attention to help them gain control?
    • Notice non-verbal communication in others and how that may need attention too. What is their body language telling you? What is your body language telling others? (Telling yourself – notice in the moment now)
    • Listen wisely so you understand what is being shared with you – choose your source points wisely! #fakenews
    • Show gratitude and appreciation towards others showing anxiety and requiring support.
    • Show gratitude for the information you seek and find that is true.
  3. Think Win-winTo have a mindset that focus’ you on win-win means you show consideration for others whilst being able to express your feelings with integrity and courage. Win-lose removes consideration for others
    • Be open to the idea that now is the time to collaborate. Now is a time to notice who you are pushing against…and why? Who do you have an opportunity to pull towards you? Who would benefit from being noticed? #shareyourtolietpaper
    • Now is a time to reach out to your community and ‘offer’ – time, resources, hugs, spirit…gin! What is in your gift to offer right now?
    • Be in an abundant mindset – remember the opposite is scarcity. Notice when you receive. Notice when you receive with ease.
    • Show gratitude for your abundance. What IS in your basket? (Not what isn’t in your basket). I am currently practicing gratitude that my toilet roll holder has a toilet roll in it (jeez, what a focal point – first world problems hey!?)

  4. Note this too will passThere is nothing more certain in this world than change. Each day our situation is changing, time passes and things move.
    • Ask yourself ‘what am I learning about myself (and others) as I go through these moments of extreme focus on fear’?!
    • What am I not facing into about my contribution to the way we move through this time? What could I do differently?
    • What should I be noticing about humankind and its consideration and intention for those who are of ill health? How do I want to be a pebble in that pool? How can I create a positive ripple effect? Create space for those who need it.
  5. Show appreciation and gratitudeMake gratitude the focus of your moments. Create a habit around gratitude and you will notice how much you have available to you right now. Appreciate those around you who offer service and support. Appreciate our local businesses, our public services, our families and friends.
    • Say thank you to all those who are serving us to keep us safe and stock up with ‘enough’ toilet paper…and more of course!! Thank you to those who are healing the sick and working to keep us safe and well.
    • Show gratitude to those who manage to do their best even though their negativity bias, their survival instincts, are triggered. Fight and flight can be a painful place!
    • Show appreciation to ‘self’ for maintaining a great mindset #rolemodel

What calls to you as you read these ideas and suggestions? Give yourself a moment to breath (7 seconds in, 11 seconds out) and consider how you are being, and how you want to be.

I have been thinking about you ALL, and I will continue to do so. I hope that some of what I have shared is helpful.

Thank you for creating time to read today.

If you want to talk some more about the content of this blog then feel comfortable to get in touch on +44 (0) 7711 071421 or email ali@purplepebblepeople.co.uk

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