⭐ 12th March 2020 WHO announced that we were in a global pandemic (see link at the bottom of this article).
⭐ At that point there were only (only?) 20 000 confirmed cases and almost 1000 deaths in the European Region. We couldn’t guess what was to head our way.
⭐ So what have I learnt over this last year.
⭐ About me: a naturally positive and optimistic person, I have had to pay attention to my mental, physical, spiritual and psychological health. Walking, fresh air, nice food, daily meditation, regular contact with friends (you know who you are) and family have been key. Short term realistic goal setting also helped.
⭐ About my business: I am able to easily tap into being resilient, agile and creative. My clients are open to being progressive and transformative, and we have had FUN trying out new approaches to virtual learning!! With ease we can support others, and allow our clients to not only continue to grow, but also use what they know and apply it to new ways of working
⭐ About my clients: The majority very quickly realised that is its their PEOPLE and their processes, that will be at the heart of the survival. Those who have given time, resources, support and space to their teams have noticed that they have been able to sustain a fairly good level of “norm”. The colleagues still feel connected to the brand values, and despite working from home are able to operate in a cohesive way.
Those who took their eye off the ball regarding people have had a steep learning curve. In some ways we are still climbing that hill, brand disconnection being the biggest sticking point from a people perspective. #feelinglikeacommodity
⭐ About the world: There was a swell of kindness, consideration, support, compassion, abundance and gratitude. I noticed more connected conversations, full of compassion, understanding, curiosity and space. Instead of jumping straight into “business” we were talking about our families, our health, our states of mind. We were seeing kindness as the first way of connecting.
The community in which I live was suddenly visible, connected, generous, joyful and ‘human’. We found time to pass time at the end of our drives with a coffee, to check in. We were dropping food parcels on doorsteps, and sharing left overs if there was too much in our pan! We shared bubbles on the street for the VE celebrations, and decorated our homes with bunting. We are now friends and continue to support one another across the fence
⭐ My hopes: That because of where I have been personally – that I will continue to focus on my wellbeing in a balanced way. I am healthier, shinier and deeply reconnected to my values – LOVE IT!
That my business will continue to transform alongside my existing and future clients. That it will remain in integrity with its core values of creativity, kindness and connectedness.
That my clients see the benefits of focusing on their people and that they continue to support all their team members to find ways to BE AT THEIR BEST
That the world holds on to the global impact kindness, compassion, connection have had on community. That we continue to recognise that we all have MORE THAN enough to survive – and that we should share when others don’t. That we can impact on the environment by making wiser choices. That we are only looking through at life through our lens, and that the world looks different depending on who and where you are.
⭐ What have your reflections and learnings been this year? I would love to HEAR!
⭐ Ali Carruthers is Founder and Director of Ripple Development at Purple Pebble People Ltd, a UK based boutique people development organisation. Who work with organisations who are open to changing the way they see the world; to making a greater impact on their connections through leadership, team working and sustainable thinking. ⭐
If you want to uncover how you and your organisation can be at its best, then drop her a line ali@purplepebblepeople.co.uk
⭐Have a great day! What positive ripples can you create in the way you are being?
Check out the original announcement from WHO below.
If you want to talk some more about the content of this blog then feel comfortable to get in touch on +44 (0) 7711 071421 or email ali@purplepebblepeople.co.uk