
Just Breathe Collective – June 2023

Just Breathe Collective invites busy business women to stop, breathe and reconnect

During this quarterly online session, we work with the season to reenergise and refocus on our intentions and desires.

The session is designed to give you time out to slow down and think; to reconnect to your intentions and desires and to connect you to other women seeking a timeout with a difference.
In this busy world, creating time to reconnect to our intentions and goals can lift our energy, focus and desire.

History: Born out of a Yorkshire based conversational collective group established in 2018, this session has evolved and changed over the years to be a group which supports, encourages, rests, and rejuvinates you.

Ali, your host, created Just Breathe Collective as a way of pausing for herself around the Spring and Autumn equinox’s and the Summer and Winter solstice’s. A believer in system working, Ali loves connecting to the inspiration of the seasons, as well as enabling women to find ways to be their best self.

The Flow: During our time together we:- Take time to ground, and breath; reflect on the seasonal changes; set seasonal intentions and goals; journal on those intentions; create affirmations for the season ahead; share and connect with the other women present to cheerlead and encourage them too!

Who is it for? If you are a women, who knows that when she stops and refreshes she returns determined and ready…this is for you! If you are interested in exploring the energy of the seasons and to move with what is present in nature….this is for you! If you are a women seeking a supportive and friendly group to connect to…this is for you!

Note: There may be moments in the session where we interact, share thoughts and explore opportunities or barriers. No selling, no pitching, just show up and take time for you!

Hosted by: Ali Carruthers, Director of People Development at Purple Pebble People Ltd.

Words used to describe your host Ali include: Positive, Creative, Intuitive, Brave, Challenging, Bright and Quirky.

Purple Pebble People offer you lifechanging leadership development programmes, coaching, team working, and people strategy consultancy.




If you want to talk some more about the content of this blog then feel comfortable to get in touch on +44 (0) 7711 071421 or email ali@purplepebblepeople.co.uk

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