Happy New Year! I think its still ok to say that, right? One of the most popular questions around this time of year is “Have you thought about your resolutions?
I got curious about resolutions when a group of my friends were all resolute, not to make resolutions (oh the irony). “They only ever fail” was the shared belief.
My curiosity was about the failing and what causes this. What disrupts our desire to make a change, that is likely to be a good change, a better change.
In a professional sense I am working constantly throughout the year with teams who want to change, who want to make a difference, who want to make strong resolutions.
So how do they approach this, how do they remain committed and focussed to make the change happen?
Simple put, we work to attach the change to a value or a set of values. We also work on what limiting beliefs may be present and that may get in the way of success.
Once we establish a link to values and powerful enabling beliefs we feel committed with a strong sense of ownership and accountability…as if it would be letting down our whole hearted self if we were to not stand tall and commit to the change.
A resolution I once made came to mind as an example of the link between values and change.
Allow me to share…30 years ago I decided to become a vegetarian. I still am a vegetarian and haven’t stepped off the path of my commitment. So what has helped me maintain that resolution, especially in the early days when vegetarian choices in restaurants and supermarkets were really limited (three cheers for the sensational Beanfeast), and peer pressure was heavily against vegetarianism too (sometimes it still can be…ooh, Ali don’t you just want a bit of this bacon sandwich!?!).
Absolutely the link to my values. Did I believe in the way meat is processed? Reared? Consumed? Of course, you will have guessed the answer was, no.
I have strong beliefs, thanks to a conversation with my Dad at a young and influential age, that the population of the world were 1) over consuming meat in a way that wasn’t sustainable if the population continued to grow at the rate it was, 2) processing meat in a way that I disagreed with at a basic animal rights level. (Of course I should mention that things have changed since 1990 in the UK, in this area, in some respect).
This link to something that I fundamentally thought was wrong and bad made a strong connection to my commitment to change. You see the link to a value solidified the bond to my change!
So, if you want to make a change, a resolution and you want to make it stick…find how it links to a deep value, a strong belief. Get connected to it in a whole person way (Mind, body and soul). Your chance of success will have increased.
If you are looking to uncover and get in touch with your own personal enabling and limiting beliefs and values, then using a coach such as myself can be the perfect way to get clear and then your resolutions may just have a chance of survival!
Happy New Year, and best of luck with the resolutions you will make for yourself, your business, your community, the planet.
Ali Carruthers – Director and Founder at Purple Pebble People. A Yorkshire ‘lass’ who is passionate about people and what makes them tick. This curiosity has lead her to work not only regionally but also globally with a beautiful blend of cultures and leaders. In her experience when people are thriving and being at their best the culture benefits and business profits. ali@purplepebblepeople.co.uk +44 (0)7711 071421