Now don’t get me wrong here, I am not talking about our beautifully stable marriage, we are indeed still a happily married wife and husband team…no I am talking about the day that Jamie (Illingworth) took the decision to leave the business we had built together over the last 8 year, that being Purple Pebble People Ltd.
Throwback to around a year ago, Jamie and I were on our annual two-day off-site strategy planning session. Usually a gloriously welcomed two days away from the business, for creative thinking, celebration and a few laughs…not this time, a few hours into the session he dropped the bombshell that he felt it was time for him to leave the business, that he struggled to work with his wife (really!!!???) and wanted to stretch his wings into something he had built and could own “solo”!
Well I am sure you can imagine, my heart cracked open with fear, vulnerability…uncertainty!! My energy landed with a loud thud…where were the laughs now!!
What was the business (and more so me!) going to do without his energy and critical mind in it? Those who know Jamie will know that he has a key role in our business development and has a bijoux collection of fantastic clients with whom he has helped craft and develop their approach to people development. He is going to leave a BIG pair of shoes behind to fill!
A year later with lots of planning, focussed thinking, and a bit of Okey Cokey – in out in out shaking it all about – from Jamie and me…did we really believe he could leave!? What were the risks??!! What would our daily routine look like??!!, the decision was finalised…as from 1st June (2019) Jamie no longer has a daily and active role in the business. He remains a much-appreciated Non-executive Director, and he will always have a passion and connection to what Purple Pebble People stands for. He has set up Into the Greenwoods, a wild glamping experience, were adults have the opportunity to spend time in natures playground. Make dens, build a fire, cook great food and relax, all good stuff for the soul, and really connected to Jamies ex-military experiences (and desire to eventually support ex-forces/veterans to find balance as they move into civilian life) and his strong and steady love of the great outdoors. We wish him well, and I wish him a whole barrel full of happiness as he also enters into the world of uncertainty and self-actualisation!
SO, it now leaves me flying solo with excitement and a bit of heart in my mouth emotion, to curate what the future looks like for Purple Pebble People.
I know that we will definitely hold onto the deeply held values of why we started in the first place. That we are here to ignite people to be the best versions of themselves. That we do that through authentic and insightful connections. That we want to do that with creativity and pure intentions of creating a world where people are relationship focused, where they are kind and more appreciative of themselves; others; and difference and where they set great intentions to do the right thing for the greater good.
We are also certain that the people we already work with, from associates to clients (past, present and future), feature in that vision too!
So now the fun work starts for me, as I love a bit of creativity… there will be a polish up of the website at some point soon I am sure…and I am more so excited at getting to meet with you lovely lot, to talk about all things people development…fancy a coffee sometime soon? Lets connect…
Stay purple,
With gratitude, Ali (and Jamie)